Jimmy Kimmel drew comics as a kid. J.J. Abrams and Ben Affleck made them into a movie trailer.

Publish date: 2024-08-24

IT TOOK only four decades for host Jimmy Kimmel to see his boyhood art come to dazzling, star-studded life.

On Monday’s episode of his ABC late-night show, Kimmel celebrated turning 50 with bells, whistles and Ben Affleck. The actor was there to promote his film “Justice League” (opening Friday), but that also provided the perfect segue for Affleck to “surprise” the birthday boy with a gift.

Affeck introduced guest J.J. Abrams, who showed superhero art that, the audience was told, was actually drawn by Kimmel when he was about 10. Feigning inspiration while looking at Kimmel’s character art — including Muscle Man, Lucky Lad, Super Duck and the Color Kid — Abrams said: “It demanded to be brought to life.”

And with that, Abrams — taking a break from his Disney and Lucasfilm obligations — debuted his teaser for “The Terrific Ten,” this would-be superhero movie.


Besides Affleck and perennial Kimmel “nemesis” Matt Damon as the villain, the trailer also features a costumed Jennifer Aniston, Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, Ty Burrell, Billy Crudup, Zach Galifianakis, Jon Hamm, Shaquille O’Neal and Wanda Sykes.

Abrams joked that making the trailer for the Kimmel Komix adaptation was a $250 million endeavor. (It showed.)

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